Musik, Lyrik, Indisch
RAHGIR - Live In Frankfurt
Poetry and musical show "Yeh Jo Hans Rahi he Duniya"
Musik Global, Griechisch
GEORGIA DAGAKI - Live in Frankfurt
Die Magie der kretischen Lyra
präsentiert von Polytropon – V. Chatzivassios
Konzert, Klassische Musik
Mit Suzune Masumoto (Geige), Unai Sánchez (Cello) und Utku Asan (Klavier)
Musik Global, Jazz
Cenk Erdoğan Trio - Orient & Jazz im Dialog
Die Kunst der Fretless-Gitarre
Internationales Theater Frankfurt
Türkisch, Stand-up-Comedy
EYVAH GÖÇTÜM! | Oh je, ich bin ausgewandert!
Die interaktive Show mit Genco Çağlar
Günes Theater, Rebstöcker Str. 49d, 60326 Frankfurt am Main
Musik Global, Konzert, Tanz & Musik
Explosive Cumbia Nacht mit Kombo Cumbia
Feiern und Tanzen zu lateinamerikanischer Musik
Kombo Cumbia
Internationales Theater Frankfurt
Musik Global
Julia Schüler - World Music On Classical Guitar
Eine musikalische Reise durch verschiedenste Länder
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Musik Global, Konzert
MENGENE Live in Frankfurt
Eine Fusion aus modernem Rock und ethnischen Klängen
Internationales Theater Frankfurt
Flamenco sin fronteras
Mit Cristo Cortés, Manuel Tañe (Gesang) & Diego Rocha (Gitarre)
Theater, Italienisch
Perfetti sconosciuti
nach dem erfolgreichen Film von Paolo Genovese | Regie: Annika Semmler und Michael Engelhardt | Italienisch mit deutschen Übertiteln
präsentiert von teatro in cerca
Theater, Italienisch
Perfetti sconosciuti
nach dem erfolgreichen Film von Paolo Genovese | Regie: Annika Semmler und Michael Engelhardt | Italienisch mit deutschen Übertiteln
präsentiert von teatro in cerca
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Ein Stück von Iliana Chatziioannidou | Regie: Kosmas Chatziioannidis
Bunte Frauen - Acting Flow
Flamenco, Musik Global, Konzert
Amir John Haddad & Ricardo Espinosa
Flamenco Duo
Internationales Theater Frankfurt
Musik Global, Konzert, Südamerikanisch
Marja Burchard und Diego Jascalevich - Vibraphon trifft auf Charango
Flamenco sin fronteras
Mit Cristo Cortes (Gesang), Diego Rocha (Gitarre) & David Bermúdez (Piano & Percussion)
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Theater, Englisch, Musical
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes
A serious issue wrapped in comedy, a musical rendition of this classic Greek play about women trying to stop their men from going to war | Directed by Jim Phetterplace
presented by Shakespeare Frankfurt
Türkisch, Musik Global
COŞKUN KARADEMİR - Live in Frankfurt
"Ethnic Signals" Tour
Mystiek Productions
Flamenco sin fronteras
Mit Juan Granados, Cristo Cortes (Gesang) & Diego Rocha (Gitarre)
KÜSS LANGSAM - Mit dir im falschen Film
Comedy-Schauspiel mit Jennifer & Michael Ehnert
Die Ehnerts
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Internationales Theater Frankfurt